The United States of America (USA), usually called the United States (US) or America is a country in North America. It is made up of 50 states, a federal district, and five territories.You must have a student visa to study in the United States. Your course of study and the type of school you plan to attend determine whether you need an F-1(Academic Studies) visa or an M-1 (Vocational Studies) visa.

Benefits of USA Education

  • About studying in the USA, it has the vast number of academic options offered to the students. Since the USA is such a large country with vast resources, almost every field of study is available in the country. One can study everything from Russian history to nuclear Physics. That is why so many foreigners choose to obtain their training in the USA.
  • Regardless of what degree a student chooses to pursue in school, he or she must use technologies to succeed. Many universities incorporate the latest technology into their curriculum, encouraging students to obtain proficiency before they go out into the workplace.
  • In American universities the recruitment process by the large companies is much more aggressive. They will be looking to actively recruit you and may even fight for your services. This allows for better job prospects and higher wages.

Work right in USA

International students studying in the USA on F-1 status visa are eligible to work on campus up to 20 hours a week while school is in session, and can work full time during vacations / scheduled breaks. Students are eligible to begin employment immediately upon being admitted to the United States in F-1 status

  • Work rights for your spouse :
    TThe spouse of a student cannot work if they have travelled to the USA on a dependent visa. If seeking employment, the appropriate work visa will be required.

Intakes in Year

  • U.S Universities have two intakes for admission purposes, namely Fall and Spring semesters
  • Fall semester starts in late August and ends in late December or early January whereas the Spring semester begins in January and ends in early May
  • Most of the students apply for the Fall intake as their Undergraduate program finishes in June and Fall semesters begin in September which makes it convenient for Higher education unless they break off from the normal pattern for specific reasons like work experience or personal issues

Fee Structure

Fee Amount (in USD) Fee Amount (in INR) Visa Type

In USD In INR Gender Type
$160 11200.00 F Student (academic)
$160 11200.00 M Student (Vocational)

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