
This is an opportunity for students to study in Eastern Europe (Moldova) at an affordable tuition. If you apply for a student visa, you must establish to the satisfaction of the consular officer that you have binding ties to a residence in a foreign country that you have no intention of abandoning, and that you will depart the United States when you have completed your studies
At the interview, consular officers are also looking to see that an applicant has adequate funds to avoid unlawful employment while in the United States, specific and realistic travel plans, and strong ties abroad.

Benefits of Studying Moldova

  • Education System :
    Moldova is a land of ideas. Education, science and research play a central role here. In a Europe free of borders and a world of globalized markets, education lays the basis enabling us to exploit the opportunities open borders and worldwide knowledge networks offer. Moldova is one of the countries most preferred by foreign students, a hub of cutting-edge international research and a constant source of new patents.
  • Economy :
    Moldova is one of the most highly developed industrial nations in the world and, after the USA and Japan has the world's third largest national economy. With a population of 82.3 million Moldova is also the largest and most important market in the European Union(EU).

Fee Structure

Student visa Fee’s 5280 INR.

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