
The name ‘Moldova’ is derived from the Moldova river; the valley of this river was a political center when the principality of Moldavia was founded in 1359. Moldova is an integral part of Europe and has a rich history. This country is situated in the contact zone between different cultural and historic trends – Carpathian-Balkan, Central-European and Eurasian, and during its multi-millennial history harmoniously absorbed diverse cultural traditions of Proto-Indo-Europeans and archaic Indo-European peoples, including the Thracians, Slavs, Celts, Goths, Huns, etc., thus obtaining specific and unparalleled features.

MBBS in Moldova

  • State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, "NicolaeTestemitanu" of the Republic of Moldova is a state funded university, where international students may study on self-finance basis subject to payment of annual tuition fee in advance and submission of attested documents by concerned authorities.
  • The State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “NicolaeTestemitanu” of Republic of Moldova is in the list of World Directory of Medical Schools, published by the World Health Organization and has been accredited by National Council of academic Evaluation and Accreditation of the Educational Institutions from the Republic of Moldova.

Why Study MBBS in Moldova

  • Study MBBS in Moldova is the cheapest in the world and recognized by WHO and MCI.
  • State medical and Pharmaceutical University offer high and post graduate education via residency of the medical and pharmaceutical personnel in conformity with the requirements of the European education and world standards.
  • Moldova gives priority to tourism which a student can appreciate during their studies. Over the last decade the priority forms of tourism in the Republic of Moldova have been: rural, wine, cultural tourism, health and beauty Tourism.
  • Moldova has enriched its own culture adopting and maintaining some of the traditions of its neighbors and of other influence sources.
  • Moldova is also a member state of the united nations, the OSCE,the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World bank.

Benefits of MBBS for Indian Students

Study MBBS in Moldova is the cheapest in the world and Universities are recognized by WHO and MCI.

  • In Moldova, NO IELTS / TOEFL required. 100% Admission and invitation Assurance for students.
  • Highly ranked universities, with low tuition feesis the main attraction to Indian students. So you can Study MBBS in Moldova at a very reasonable cost.

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